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Monday, December 21, 2009

Craft: Cd Case Picture Frames

The clever Jennifer of the tongue-in-cheek blog Ramblings of a Crazy Woman asks, "What mother would not want pictures of her children for Mother's Day?" Good point Jennifer! She has shared with us this wonderful tutorial for how to turn regular jewel cases (CD cases) into a hanging picture frame. This is a great way to recycle spare CD cases and is an inexpensive craft gift for Mother's Day, Father's Day or any other occasion.

1 or 2 slim jewel cases (CD cases)
craft glue
packaging tape
pictures of child 4x6
anything to decorate your frames such as flowers or buttons

Cut ribbon into 4 pieces that are 5 inches long.
Dab a little glue in each corner on the inside of the cover of the case.
Slide ribbon under the inside tabs (and on top of the glue) of the case making a border.
Place picture on top of ribbon and secure with tape. You could stop there and make it a standing frame.
For the double picture frame hanger, repeat steps 1-4 on a second jewel case.
Cut 2 pieces of ribbon equal lengths to use to connect the two frames.
Secure both ribbons to the back of the jewel cases with tape. Make sure there is equal space between both cases so your picture frames hang straight.
Cut another piece of ribbon for the hanger. Loop from one side of the top frame to the other. Secure with tape.
Now decorate the front of the frames.

Note: It would be cute if one of the pictures the child was holding a sign that said," Happy Mother's Day ! I Love You !"
Now I think this is such a cute idea!! I don't think it is just a great mothers day gift but anytime you need a gift!!

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